Thursday, August 20, 2009


The Following ( PG, or PG 13 if you're really opposed to viewing close-up shots of butts in Pants) video should be viewed with caution- make sure you have some saline solution nearby to clean your eyes with afterwards! There's no antidote for the permanent image burned on your brain though...

all I am going to say here is "WHY GOD, WHY?!?!"

Monday, August 17, 2009

And so it begins.

Well, it's official- The Girl is a Kindergartener and I am feeling a little lonely. ( boo hoo)

First day: Awoke with enthusiam, took traditional "first day of Kindergarten" pictures, drove her to school, sat forlorn in the house for 6 hours, Picked her up from school and went for cookies and Hot Chocolate at Grandma's house.

Second Day: Phone call from Teacher at about 1:3o detailing all the ways my daughter isn't following directions= "Talkin' To" for the girl. Then call from Bus driver telling me she is on the wrong bus and where should they drop her off. Multiple heart attacks imagining all the ways that could have gone wrong, ending in overzealous hugging when finally reunited. Multiple White Russians after 8pm...

Third day: Discovered that the Bus Fiasco was partially The Girl's Fault. She saw a kid from Recess in line for another bus and decided to ride the bus with that girl. My shouldahadaV8 moment: realizing I probably should have told her that there is only ONE bus that will bring you to the correct bus-stop, where mommy will be waiting to give you LOTS OF CANDY!!! LOTS, I SAY!!! I did actually leave the house during the day though- I went to see Harry Potter 6 again. I figured if I'm going to be alone I may as well make it count!

The weekend was short- at least it seemed that way, and we just tried to relax and spend as much time together as possible while also letting Daddy write his Dissertation.

Today was the Girl's first ever "Monday Morning." She bucked up pretty quickly though and was off to school as scheduled. I went and worked out and now plan on doing some cleaning and a Grocery Store trip before meeting the bus again. Of course, I have a long list of projects in my head that have been waiting for "Someday when the Girl is in School" so I hope to be in progress on any number of those by the end of the week. And I also plan to be writing more often, so I hope to "see" you all here again soon! Now please excuse me while I skip around the empty house singing loudly in attempt to make myself accept that MY ONLY CHILD IS IN SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT 12 YEARS! LALALALAALALALALALAALAAAAAA!!!